StartCargo News! About market analysis and digitization projects

Yaay, already for 9 months we – Caro and Karina from StartCargo Generation 12 – have been with Lufthansa Cargo now and we have almost reached the end of our second StartCargo project. Time goes by so fast! In today’s blog we would like to tell you more about our current projects and give you a sneak peek about what will await us next.

#StartSelfie with our supervisor Jenny and her intern Isabell
#StartSelfie with our supervisor Jenny and her intern Isabell

Let’s start with some insights into our current projects 🙂 Caro has decided on a project in the area of Global Sales Management or rather in the team of Industry Development & Product Management. She carries out a market analysis of the product “Fresh”, which belongs to the category “Special products”. Further products in this category are “Cool” (for temperature-sensitive goods), “Live” (for animals), or “Safe” (for valuables). “Fresh” however is the product for perishable goods which have special transport and storage requirements. Perishable goods include fruit, vegetables, meat and fish, but also flowers. Caro has the task of investigating current trends, for example the development of supply and demand for avocados, poinsettias and dairy products worldwide. By doing so, she gets exciting insights into the transport of food, the development of goods flows, but also into changes in global consumer behaviour.

In Karinas second project the focus is on wheels instead of wings
In Karina’s second project the focus is on wheels instead of wings for once 🙂

Karina’s project work takes place in the world of RFS (Road Feeder Services) Management. Lufthansa Cargo is responsible for a big part of the intra-European freight transport. But instead of airplanes, Lufthansa Cargo serves many freight stations all over Europe with trucks – running under flight numbers. In order to facilitate the monitoring of the approx. 1,600 weekly trips, the RFS department is working on a software solution to track the individual tour data, such as position data of the trucks or temperature data of refrigerated containers. This allows arrival times to be calculated, temperature curves to be analysed and overall greater transparency of the transport route to be achieved. In her project Karina is responsible for analyzing the Lufthansa Cargo requirements for the software tool and is getting the opportunity to dive into a less present area of the airfreight industry.

The road feeder service of Lufthansa Cargo - airfreight on the ground.
The road feeder service of Lufthansa Cargo – airfreight on the ground.

But our trainee program consists of more than just project work. In the past weeks we were able to prove our event management skills and organized the annual group-wide Trainee Day – hosted by Lufthansa Cargo this time. In addition to an introduction to the world of Lufthansa Cargo and the Lufthansa Cargo Center, the focus was on corporate social responsibility, which also plays an important role for us as well as in the Lufthansa trainee programs. Together with trainees from other Lufthansa Group companies we are, for example, currently involved in a social project of the Lufthansa help alliance in Gambia.

On our groupwide Trainee Day we focused in the afternoon on social responibility and welcomed Andrea Pernkopf from help alliance for a key speech
On our groupwide Trainee Day we focused in the afternoon on social responsibility and welcomed among others Andrea Pernkopf from help alliance for a keynote speech

Another exciting program element we have in store is a trip to the Singularity Summit in Brussels – together with managers and trainees from the entire Lufthansa Group. This year’s summit will focus on how Europe is coping with the accelerating dynamics of technologies worldwide. You can read more about this in the next blog post – be curious! 🙂

Caro & Karina

PS: Would you like to join Lufthansa as a trainee? Take your chance and apply until 13.10.19!