Hello from Madrid to all my colleagues and future colleagues,
My name is Sebastian, I work for Lufthansa since already 5 years and a half as Check-In Agent. On this occasion, I want to share with all of you the wonderful moment we have experienced by bringing Oktoberfest to our Station.
It all began during a breakfast pause a morning in April: Kathrin, our Station Manager, joined us to say hello and have a cup of coffee, as usual. We were talking about the new uniforms, somehow it came out the idea to try to receive in Madrid THAT Special Uniform the crew and ground staff in Munich uses during Oktoberfest. With our station manager approval, Elena (one of our STBL, and the one responsible for the uniformity in Madrid) started the project #Dirndl and #Lederhosen.
We hang a list of volunteers in our office’s news board. It was surprising; almost half of the women in the station signed in, also approximately 10 men. During the first days of September, Elena was supposed to fly to Munich to collect the very last 10 Dirndl available.

By that time there were no Lederhosen in stock anymore, but another STBL, Javier, half-German, told us he has a Lederhose he could lend me.

The day has come, September 22nd, a Senior group of approximately 50 passengers waiting for the boarding of our daily early flight to Munich LH1807, the reaction: PRICELESS – ‘You look incredible’ – ‘I love your outfit’ – ‘This can only be done by Lufthansa’ – ‘Can I take a picture with you?’, other funny comments such – ‘Please, I want a beer’ – ‘Would you be on board with us?’.
Our surprise was even bigger when actually not only passengers but also other airlines’ crews and ground colleagues, security control employees, duty-free employees, stop us in the middle of the boarding area to ask us for pictures and congrats us for the initiative.
We could notice people were taking pictures of us surreptitiously, some others ask us if they can upload it to their social media. With our hearts full of joy we came back to the check-in area, to continue with the next flights on the schedule.
I can not forget to say thank you to our crew members who have passed through Madrid these days; since this is the first time we are doing this on our station, we needed to save the moments for the prosperity, they have been so patient, allowing us to take pictures inside the plane. I particularly remember, one day, before the boarding for the flight LH1801 started, we had the idea to take a picture together with the crew and the screen sign MUNICH at the gate – We were posing for the ‘official photo’ when suddenly flashes start to come from all directions – the passengers queing at the gate started to take pictures of us we felt for a moment just like movie stars on the red carpet.
Our customers are really enjoying how we do our daily work with a special touch of magic, we will continue until October 7th, stopping from time to time to take pictures with our delightful passengers.
If you missed our Instastory on October 4th, you can still watch it in our Highlights on Instagram/BeLufthansa, title “GroundStaff MAD”.
We say good bye for now, sending you happy greetings from Madrid,
Yours Sebastian